



Jan, 2019
聖雅各福群會賽馬會「入伍登陸 大show 動」泳班頒獎典禮

Aug, 2018

Feb, 2018
香港教育大學 x 茘灣 Infant Aquatics 2月28日主講

無敵泳班, 超級教練!

融洽愉悅的師生關係,讓學生能在輕鬆愉快的氣氛下學習, 歡樂溫情, 變得團結合作,教與學的都在笑!


荔灣致力提高學員的學習動機,讓他愛上游泳,自然水到渠成. 有了動機及興趣,什麼困難都可以解決.


不徐不疾,因材施教. 我們了解學生進度,診斷學習困難,交出專業解決方案,對症下藥.




別人不願教的,我們願意教;別人教不會的,我們能夠教會; 別人教得會的,我們還能教得學生們快樂!



Value of Play

Play is an important process in children's learning. Play provides children with opportunities to try out new experiences. Children are motivated to learn through what they perceive to be fun and playful. We use songs, games and rhymes in our swimming programs to stimulate students' own natural curiosity.

Motive is the Foundation

Motive is the critical success factor of learning. People will learn faster and more effectively when they are motivated. The best way to motivate the students is to let them enjoy the lessons. We endeavour to make the experience of learning enjoyable and fun.

Friendly and Supportive Teaching Environment

Our classes are taught in a warm and friendly environment. It promotes a happy and harmonious learning atmosphere. In this positive student/ teacher relationship, trust will be developed and students will be encouraged into swimming activities.

Patience and Understanding

One of our successful teaching factors is patience. We encourage students to work at their own pace and to gain a range of positive experiences that will enhance their learning. We understand students need time for information to sink in and this is particularly true for beginners !

A Sense of Humour

Possessing a sense of humour is one of our distinct advantages. We believe that it is very important to share experiences with students; most of these experiences will be enjoyable and some will be funny. This good sense of humour will allow students to benefit from these moments.

Personalised Training

While some other teachers use one solution to teach 100 students, we use 100 solutions to teach one student. This is how we are different!

Tel : 2499-7989
Whatsapp : 6148-9049
E-mail : sales@laiwanswim.com.hk
Website : www.laiwanswim.com.hk

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